Leaving Chicago!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Overhetfeld to Zons (Maria and Charlotte)

It seems my best strategy for blogging is to summarize the previous day in the early morning since I tend to be up earlier than the rest of the family! So, yesterday was a cold and rainy day. What a difference from the day before when we swam in the lake! It was only a high in the 50s. Nevertheless we had promised the kids we'd eat sundays at the ice cream parlor in Brueggen, because it is a great experience. They make them look so fancy and beautiful and serve them in pretty glasses. Alex ate "Spaghetti Eis", a popular kids choice that looks like spaghetti (vanilla ice cream put through a grinder) with red sauce (strawberry) and parmesan cheese (white chocolate chips)! Ben and I shared the biggest, fanciest one called "After Eight", with green mint sauce.
Spaghetti ice cream

Then we picked up my Mom from her friend's house nearby and drove to Maria and Charlotte's house (my niece and her mom). We had a lovely evening there, visiting, watching the soccer game (GO USA!) and eating a wonderful supper of spaghetti (the real kind!) with asparagus sauce. Maria is a great cook! The boys enjoyed their cat, Felix.
Maria and Charlotte

Felix the cat
We signed all the necessary paperwork and discussed some more of the details about Charlotte's stay with us. We are very excited. She is taller than I am now!

We have been so lucky so far, everyone we have seen will be at the wedding, so we really have not had to say goodbye to anyone! Klaus and Lauren and baby Marion, my Dad, Nicola, Charlotte and Maria, ... everyone will see us again! :-)

Today we will head down south towards the wedding. Yeah! I hope the weather improves before the weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Jen, we are loving your blog Dustin reads it to us every night. Looks like you guys are having fun hope the weather changes for you. I bet you were scared when Ben was lost I cannot imagine that must have been awful. Joel

    Hi Alex, looks like you are having an awsome time.Alex, when is it your turn to get lost.:) (just kidding) O and i did get to drive. Miss you guys :( Dustin
